Warning: SPOILERS for Deadpool: The End #1

No bullet, blade, or bomb may be able to give Deadpool a wound he can’t heal from in minutes, but he can’t resist Cupid’s arrow. And in Wade Wilson’s fantasy future, he calls Captain Marvel his lover… and the Avengers his new family.

This romantic fantasy scenario is confirmed thanks to the newly released Deadpool: The End, a one-shot issue intended to tell ’the final story’ of Wade Wilson. Deadpool is just one of several Marvel superheroes given The End treatment, allowing storytellers to imagine what ’the perfect ending’ looks like for heroes who live by different codes, and with different cosmic destinies. For Miles Morales, it’s the chance to give his life to save Marvel’s Brooklyn. For the Venom symbiote, it’s a love story with Eddie Brock, But for a figure as fragmented as Deadpool, his actual ’end’ is a bit harder to set in stone.

First things first, Joe Kelly and Mike Hawthorne do come up with a truly heartwarming death for Deadpool, uniting him with his daughter Ellie before finally being killed (for real, no backsies). But considering his powers over reality itself, Deadpool (through his storytellers) decides that his best fate… is multiple choice. And who doesn’t love a hot-and-heavy Hollywood finale?

After showing readers how he would turn the Marvel Universe into a depressing nightmare if he became the Batman Who Laughs, Wade decides to embrace the kind of ‘feel good’ conclusion his readers would no doubt appreciate. One in which he is dressing after making love to his equally-guarded, but unseen significant other. One who insists that if he wants to keep observing her backside in friendly fashion, and not turn their romance into a fight to the death, he will continue to operate on the side of heroes. And not just any heroes, but the honest to goodness Avengers.

As the Avengers give Wade and his special lady’s penthouse windows a flyby, the pair don their uniforms to leap in behind them. Readers only get a brief moment to wonder why Deadpool feels safe enough to leap from his own window hundreds of feet above New York City, before his lover reveals herself – by grabbing hold of his rigging, and allowing him to utter the team’s iconic catchphrase. Or his version of it, at least.

Yes, the final panel of this possible ‘happy ending’ for Deadpool and Captain Marvel confirms that Wade and Carol are lovers in the fantasy scenario. And honestly, it’s hard to say which of the story’s dreams come true is harder to believe. That Wade would manage to break through Carol’s exterior to find genuine affection, or thatr he would be given full membership and a room in Avengers Tower. Readers can see this and every other possible ending for Wade Wilson today, with the full solicitation details and plot synopsis for Deadpool: The End available below:

  • DEADPOOL: THE END Written by: Joe Kelly Art by: Mike Hawthorne, Victor Olazaba, Ruth Redmond Cover Art by: Rahzzah THE FINAL DEADPOOL STORY! Wade Wilson may seem like he is unkillable, but there is more than one way to put an end to him… but don’t take my word for it! Quintessential Deadpool scribe Joe Kelly and record-setting Deadpool artist Mike Hawthorne team-up to prove it to you! Deadpool is done for!

Deadpool: The End is available now at your local comic book shop.

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